Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Are We Really Really Trapped ???
And I didn’t speak out because
I wasn’t a communist...
Then they came for the Jew,
And I didn’t speak out because
I wasn’t a Jew...
Then they came for the trade unionists,
And I didn’t speak out because
I wasn’t a trade unionis...
Then they came for the Muslims,
And I didn't speak out because
I wasn't a Muslim...
Then they came for me and there
Was no one left to speak out...
--- Martin Niemoller---
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Eyes Deluding Perfection!!!
But she has it all, she is like someone from your dreams. What a creation!! What a perfection!! I really really have to thank god all mighty for giving me the chance to see the perfect creation of him on my own eyes, so wonderful; full of everything what you can think of or imagine of…Ameen!!
She is always on her own, so quiet, so polite like a country girl. She has the touch of ancient heritage on her face, perfect dark eyes. I bet you would loose yourself if just look into her eyes once, even once is enough for you to let her capture the moment and even your whole psychological and physical vision. I thank god, I don’t look at her too much.
Head full of silky dark hair, it makes me wonder sometimes. I think her every little hair is so jealous of each other that none of them touch others. They all know they are all living at a same place and they have to pass the rest of their lives there. So amazing, so mystic relationship, so peaceful living; they are so close to each other but so rhythmic moves; everyone is out of others way.
The rest is wonderland, at least I hope so…
Perfect Ass!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"The Global Warming Trap"
The concept of anthropogenic global warming is a FRAUD, in another words the idea that the planet is getting warmer and the human activity is somehow responsible is LIE. It’s a pseudo scientific fraud, its a big lie, its a monstrosity. Remember.. the Nazis, they had race science, race hygiene. They said Arian blood is different than the other kind of blood. This was of course idiotic, a fantastic piece of non-sense. Today we've got something similar; global warming caused by human activity and the answer to that is carbon tax plus capon trade according to the wishes of Al Gore and Prince Charles, basically the entire world banking community and the world lites.
What they are trying to do with that is to perpetuate the current system where the bankers would rule the world, the financiers would rule the world and the rest of us get the crumbs from the table
But remember if you try to put on capon trade and global warming carbon tax with the idea that you are gonna save the polar bears, but what we are gonna go is destroy the human society. We are gonna cause genocides in massive scale, the deaths would be measured in the hundreds of millions and indeed in the billions. Just the idea of global warming, that means there would be no development for Africa, no development for the poor south-east Asian countries and no world economic recovery of any kind ever in our entire life time.
So its important to expose and fight the pseudo scientific global warming. one more quote about this “We all know that we don’t need to be a climatologist to find out that this thing is fraud”. The history speaks, historic records tell us in the last 1000 years we a period of very warm temperatures called "The Medieval Warm Period" when all kinds of grapes and semi-tropical fruits were growing very far into the northern hemisphere in between 1100 and 1200 A.D. It happened to correspond within all time maximum of "Sun Spots", right now we can say that we are going into another maximum period where there would be some warming but we are well within the limits of "Medieval Warm Period" limits. About 1600 to 1650 A.D. there was an "Ice Age" in the northern Europe, the north sea was filled with ice, the German ports, Dutch ports and the English ports were filled with ice. That corresponds to an all time minimum of "Sun Spot" activity "maunder minimum and sporer minimum", so this is largely has got to do with solar activity. We know the other planets, not just only the earth warming slightly as a result of increase solar activity, but we are well within the minimum.
So the scientific claim of global warming is human created is a complete non-sense and a pseudo scientific fraud and it should be rejected.
These are the people who always come with conservative, communist, racist idea to destroy the human society.
Remember when Stalin came in with the all false promises, between 1925 to 1940 over 40 millions Russians were exterminated.
When Adolf Hitler came in with the same false promises, within 10 years a nationalist, dictatorised, communist society was created and over 45 millions people were exterminated in the Europe.
We all have to fight against it.