Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pauline Hanson the Paulinetician !! Love Paulintrics !!!

ddddddddddddddhmmm... Pie with Vegemite....Yummy Aussie breakie!!!
dddddddddddSomebody Get me back Johnny boy, He love my paulinetrics!!!

The Hitler of OneNation Mojo, Pharaoh mind of 21st century, The most sick-corrupt-ignorant Ideologist, The lowest qualified politician in the history of Australia and The red-head-ugly-looking-transsexual lookalike-confusing face.

Educational Background: Left school at the age of 15 with barely pass score
Early social background: Fish-n-chips shoppie
Marital Background: 2-timer in marriage
Current Marital BG: Looking for an Immigrant Boy Friend or Husband or Whatever, Gimmie something!!
Personal family background: 4-timer with kids
Current social background: Paulinetrics and paulinetician
Founder of: One nation mojo
One Nation Moto: Hate Asian, Hate African, Hate India, Hate Aboroginal, Hate Muslims (even though some of them are so called "white"), Hate Jews (even though some of them are so called "white") and some hidden too.
Been on Telie Programs: Who wants to be millionaire ( lmao.. why all these questions for me? none of these are my One Nation moto), Dancing with the paulinetician (Booooooooo.. whatever guys.. At least I get to shake my booty)
IQ status: Corrupt mind and blind ignorant with some eyes
Fav Food: VB...burpssss and FourTweenty’s Pie, Vegemite too (100% aussie, aren’t they?)
Gangsta Name: P. Hanny

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