Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Rain At Last"

After waiting so many dry days
Wiping so many times the sweaty face
Rain at last, we have some rain
Hope she does clean some drain, cool our brain
May you come from the cloud or havean
But we all know that you are one given
The one you belong to
The one we pray to
No one goes empty handed from the one
He may have no pockets but he is the one
Couldn't even pass the day of rain prayer
He must have accepted some one's prayer
Here we are having thunder, rain, slashing winds
All we wanted some rain and we are getting things like twins
It seems to me everything was like ready to go made
Allahu akber, allahu akber you are so great
Come on believers come once again
lets show the world for muslims things are easy to gain
Please don't miss a prayer, do your things pretty fast
Lets say once again we have some rain, we some rain
Thank god all mighty we have some rain at last.