Friday, June 25, 2010

############## Missy Higgins ##############

In the ancient Egyptian time the music was called the “casting spell” or something what can hypnotize you to do things what perpetrator wanted you to do. So what they did was to hire lot of sweet and mesmerizing toned singer from all around the world to work for the empire. They were successful in many occasions to hypnotize people singing among them.
As the world moved forward, we still have the casts around us and its more dangerous than the old time and that mesmerizes you so unbelievably that takes your heart and soul to somewhere in a place where you are just by yourself and the music. You just forget the moments you had a few minutes ago and you just don’t even care if you ever remember a thing.
“Missy Higgins”… Oh, man!!! She has it all what the ancient time perpetrators wanted. She has the most, most sweetest voice in the whole wide world. I bet you would drown yourself in her sweet voice so deeply that would never try to come on the shore even though you loose your last breath. The lyrics are full of most amazing stories that you would just wanna hear and get into the root of it to find out what’s next. And the Piano with the background music sets so perfectly that you would only find the comparison with the Kohinoor that only sets with Crown of Some Queen.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI have known her for long time,
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI have listened her music many times
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI have drown myself into it so many times
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI still think I should know better!!