Sunday, March 8, 2009

Religion Matters, It Does, It Always Has Been...

The religion you follow should or has to make you the most humble person to your family, society, human race and other species. If it doesn't make you the most humble person then either your religion has a problem or you're not following your religion properly.
blah, blah, blah
The religion you follow should or has to make you the most dangerous person in the world in circumstances to protect your life, your family, your society, your country and the human race. If it doesn't make you the most dangerous person in the world in circumstances then either your religion has a problem or you're not following your religion properly.

1 comment:

  1. Religions, whatever system or nomenclature they may be, embody the best and noblest qualities on the earth. Love, fellow-feeling, service, hope, right living, truth, moderation, generosity, hospitality, concern for weak and disabled, empathy, solitude, tranquility, respect for elders, pursuit of excellence, equality, humility, respect for nature, simplicity, patience, equanimity, dedication.... They never teach crime, greed, ostentation, miserliness, unbridled egoism, disdain towards nature and animal kingdom, patronage of inequality, vulgar materialism. A religious man is necessarily a courageous man who is able to raise voice against exploitation and immorality.

    Thanks, Net_Bug, for provoking a thought.

